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Do you struggle with parents not understanding your approach and questioning your methods?

 Do you worry their behaviour might be causing their children undue stress and pressure?

 Do you find yourself hiding from your parents?


Almost without exception parents think they are acting in the best interest of their children. Their questions come from a lack of knowledge and understanding what their role is and how best to support their children.


You all want the same thing, sport success and enjoyment.

You are all on the same team, your team just needs some guidance!


Instead of hiding from your parents now you have a chance to educate and support them.


Let me deliver a Super-P workshop to all your parents!

You have 3 choices.

Face to face workshop - I can come to your club! This is my preferred option, its lovely to meet people and deliver a workshop face to face.

But sometimes due to geography and practicality that’s not possible.

Online Live workshop - with the power of zoom I can deliver an online workshop. This is the most popular way as everyone can attend no matter where they are.

Pre-recorded - finally, SUPER-P has been designed to be delivered as a pre-recorded workshop. If its too difficult to get everyone together, or some people are not able to attend then they can have access to the workshop online.


Of course for a club you don't pay the individual workshop price, so get in contact with me, let me know what delivery option you'd like and we can talk about the cost.

Remember my super-p course has been designed for parents with children competing in any sport at any age, so I can definitely help you.

Change isn't easy, but with super-p your parents will feel supported and much more relaxed. Things within the coach/athlete/parent triangle  become easier, more streamlined with better communication and happier parents, coaches and most importantly children!


Get in touch so we can start working together.

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